Cara Terbaru Ngehack Friendster, FaceBook, Yahoo, etc

Hi guys, ni cara buat nge hack fs,facebook,yahoo...etc
bikin account di

> member area
> bikin email domain di mail > web mail
contoh : bikin jgn lupa rubah dulu settingan email : isi nama palsu
kalau sdh ada, bikin pakai cara lain misalnya atau atau apa aja deh yg penting buat mereka percaya.
kalau sdh akan jadi spt ini / / (tergantung buatan anda)
terus bikin account lagi di
yaitu create form. atau carilah di google ketik create form.

bikin deh formulir seolah2 dari friendster/facebook/yahoomail
bilang bahwa dia harus mengisi formulir nya beserta email & password.
kalau ada yg kena tipu,pasti ke isi bro..
kirim formulir yg sdh kitta buat ke email korban. bilang dia harus mengisi formulir email & passwordnya harus sama ky di fs/fb/yahoo/etc atau account dia di fs di block.pake bhs inggris yah.jgn pk bhs jawa..heheheh maka formulir akan terkirim ke email anda..

kalau malas bikin form, emailin aja langsung minta konfirmasi emailnya:mudah2an dia percaya.
contoh pengiriman email tanpa form :
Email address :
Password : ********** (isi saja pake bintang)
Repeat password : (add your passwords here and sent to us)

contoh lain

Sent: Monday, October 13, 2008 6: 13 PM
Reply-to: Friendster Support ( >email bikinan kita (misalnya,contoh sj)

Hi Dede,

Friendster has limits in place to prevent behavior that other users may find annoying or abusive. These limits restrict the rate at which you can use certain features on the site. Unfortunately, we cannot provide you with the specific rates that have been deemed abusive.

Your account has been disabled because you exceeded Friendster's limits on multiple occasions when sending friend requests, despite having been warned to slow down.

Your Account :
Email :
Password : **********
Repeat Password : (suruh dia isi di sini)

You must reply your email & password to us.

After further review of your account, we have determined that you violated our Terms of Use by misusing our site features to harass other users. We will not be able to reactivate your account for any reason. This decision is final.

Thanks for your understanding,

User Operations

Selamat anda kena HACK hehehe

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